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In August, 2019, WWL-TV aired a series titled The Forgotten East.  The links below are to this four-part series, which aired beginning August 20th. 


What Happened to New Orleans East?


The Forgotten East: Blight


The Forgotten East: The Future


The Forgotten East: The Youth


You may also enjoy viewing an interview with Channel 4 employees who are natives of Eastern New Orleans. 


The Forgotten East:

A Conversation with East Natives at WWL-TV


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FOX Defenders aired a story on August 6, 2019, after a concerned Eastern New Orleans resident, Mr. Warren Marigny, contacted them regarding illegally parked 18-wheelers in the 6600 block of Morrison Road.  At that time, the City said that they were not aware of the problem. The next day, the City of New Orleans issued a statement saying that the trucks parked were not violating any laws, despite the concerns from neighbors. On August 12, 2019, Kimberly Curth, of Fox Defenders returned to the scene of the illegally parked trucks after several residents of Spring Lake wrote to Channel 8 and our elected officials regarding this matter.  This story highlighted that one truck was parked next to a "No Stopping Sign", the same area that the City said was legal to park.  Spring Lake resident, Gail Armant, also spoke to news reporter, Kimbery Curth, in this story. 


The links to these stories are below:

FOX 8 Defenders: Man Fed Up With 18-Wheelers Parking in His Neighborhood


City Says 18-Wheelers Did Not Violate Parking Laws in New Orleans East


FOX 8 Defenders: City Takes Action Against 18-Wheelers Parking on N.O. East Street


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